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Shire horse breeders - your chance to give your views to RBST breeding survey

What makes you breed Shires? What influences your decisions on breeding? Would you consider using AI or other breeding technology? The Rare Breeds Survival Trust (RBST) is doing a survey on these questions and more......

 Shire Horse Society   27 October 2023

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What makes you breed Shires? What influences your decisions on breeding?  Would you consider using AI or other breeding technology?

The Rare Breeds Survival Trust (RBST) is doing a survey on these questions and more.  As part of their Equine Conservation Project, they want to understand breeding decisions - the what, why and how of the decisions that breeders of rare breeds of horse make, including the Shire.

This is an important survey and the Shire Horse Society asks all Shire breeders to complete it by the end of November. The survey form is here Native Equine Breeding Decisions Survey (

The RBST will use the results of the survey to strengthen their work to support breeders and breed societies in conserving rare horse breeds. If you breed Shires, please take part. Your input is important to help make the results as useful as possible to you and other Shire breeders.

The aim of the three-year long Equine Conservation Project is to significantly improve RBST’s ability to support breed societies and individual breeders in the conservation of native equine breeds. The project has funding support from the Horserace Betting Levy Board. Read more here Equine Conservation Project | Rare Breeds Survival Trust (


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