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Horse of the Year Show 2021

We are looking forward to the Shire Horse Society’s ‘Shire Horse of the Year' final which will be held at ...

 Shire Horse Society   09 October 2021

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We are looking forward to the Shire Horse Society’s ‘Shire Horse of the Year' final which will be held at the Horse of the Year Show tomorrow evening (10th October) at the NEC in Birmingham.

Throughout 2021, 16 qualifiers were held throughout the country, despite Covid-19 doing its best to scupper our plans.

Congratulations to all those who qualified; these Shire horses will have a major presence under the bright lights tomorrow as they gracefully and majestically parade around the arena. The world will be watching and the Shire Horse Society extends its congratulations and thanks to all owners, breeders and handlers for their dedication to the breed and for showcasing these wonderful horses.

Grateful thanks to all those who entered the qualifiers but who never received that golden ‘ticket’ to HOYS.

We plan to live stream via Facebook throughout the day, technology permitting!

Good luck to you all.

2019 Shire Horse of the Year Champion Fellthorpe Esther Jane owned by Mr P Bedford
Photograph courtesy of Kev Wright Photography

The following is a list of qualifiers together with their owners and where they qualified.

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