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Council Elections 2024

Council Elections 2024...

 Shire Horse Society   14 December 2023

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Can you help the Shire Horse Society by becoming a Council Member?

All members of the Shire Horse Society are entitled to stand for Council.

Currently three meetings per year are held and members are invited to submit their application by email, together with photograph and brief CV (between 50-100 words).   This information will be printed in the Annual Report and Accounts and sent with the ballot paper to every member to vote for 12 members.

For the avoidance of doubt, any new applicants must be proposed and seconded by Shire Horse Society members.

All applications including those retiring from Council in 2024 should be emailed to the office to prior to 2nd January 2024.

Equally if you would like more information please do call or email the office.

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