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Results - Class 6

RESULTS CLASS 6 – Newcomers PlaceCat. No.HorseExhibitor1st144Rheidol TimelordMr J W Clarke2nd155Hillmoor ArmaniMiss P Read3rd87Fifield DonaldMiss J Butler4th143Kirtlington Lady GreyMr N Carter5th120Bordley ...

 Shire Horse Society   11 March 2023

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RESULTS CLASS 6 – Newcomers

PlaceCat. No.HorseExhibitor
1st144Rheidol TimelordMr J W Clarke
2nd155Hillmoor ArmaniMiss P Read
3rd87Fifield DonaldMiss J Butler
4th143Kirtlington Lady GreyMr N Carter
5th120Bordley House The DukeMiss C Richmond
6th32Ruskington UlyssesMrs Z Price
7th152Murdoch’s ArthurMr J Upchurch
8th23Hilltop Heavy Horse HeidiMr S Long and Miss K Osborne

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