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Remember to vote for Council!

Remember to vote for Council!Voting forms must be returned to the address below NO LATER THAN FRIDAY 1st MARCH. Late ...

 The Shire Horse Society   22 February 2024

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Remember to vote for Council!
Voting forms must be returned to the address below NO LATER THAN FRIDAY 1st MARCH. Late voting papers will not be counted.
CFW Accountants, 3 Weekley Wood Close, Kettering, Northants, NN14 1UQ or by email to:
Members (excluding Junior Members) are requested to vote for up to twelve names to fill the vacancies made available by the annual retirement of Council members. No member can vote for more than twelve names.
If any form contains more than twelve votes it will be rejected entirely. The voting member should place his/her initials or a cross on the list against the names for which he/she votes and must sign his/her own name at the foot of the paper. Only one vote can be given to each candidate. Both parties in a joint membership are entitled to vote (second form enclosed).
For the avoidance of doubt, members do not have to use all twelve votes.

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