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Email Addresses
 08 December 2022

A request to all members to ensure the office holds the correct email address for you. This especially applies to overseas members as we will send some of the Annual Report and Accounts and voting form via this method. If you ... more


New Board Members
 24 November 2022

Press Release ... more


Stallion Approval Inspections 2023
 21 November 2022

Applications close for Stallion Approval Inspections on Friday 9th December. Please ensure you return your booking form with payment by this date. If you haven’t received a form please contact the office as soon as possible. Thank you. ... more


TV Choice Awards
 18 November 2022

Buzzing to hear that This Week on the Farm and Cannon Hall Farm the location for the popular programme have won a TV Choice award! Cannon Hall Farm, is a Shire Horse Society Approved Centre and they have many animals ... more


Mr John Richardson
 15 November 2022

The Society are deeply saddened to advise that John Richardson of TocHill Shires passed away peacefully at home on Tuesday. John was a well known respected breeder and former council member. Our thoughts are with his wife Margaret, family and friends at ... more


Lest We Forget
 13 November 2022

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old.  Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun, and in the morning, We will remember them. We shall remember them. ... more








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