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Farmers' Country Showdown
 03 January 2023

During the summer the Farmers' Country Showdown filmed one of their episodes at Shire Horse Society members' Lucy, Oliver and Nigel's farm. The programme will show them prepping their horses for Heckington Show. The new series has started and you can ... more


SPARKS Dates 2023
 03 January 2023

Dates for Breeders’ Seminars in 2023 are listed below. These seminars are for established breeders and anyone who is newer to Shire breeding or interested in it, and are free of charge. The seminars will describe changes the Society is making ... more


2023 Membership
 03 January 2023

Membership Renewal 2023 Thank you to all those members who have renewed their membership for 2023. A polite reminder to ask those who haven’t as yet to do so please to ensure your membership mailing is sent in good time prior ... more


Happy New Year!
 01 January 2023

Wishing our members and followers a very Happy New Year and we look forward to seeing you in 2023. National Shire Horse Show - Newark Showground (11th and 12th March). ... more


Happy Christmas
 24 December 2022

Wishing all of our Shire Horse Society members, supporters and followers a very Happy Christmas. Happy ChristmasPhoto credit: Robinsons Brewery/Helen Preece ... more


Revised Document
 22 December 2022

The Showing Council has produced its updated 'Code of Practice for the Welfare of Equines at Events.' For a copy of this important document, please see: more








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