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UK and Overseas Photographic Competition 2023 - Results

We are delighted to share with you the first and second prize winning photographs from our UK and Overseas Photographic ...

 Shire Horse Society   11 March 2023

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We are delighted to share with you the first and second prize winning photographs from our UK and Overseas Photographic Competition. Chair of the Training and Education Committee, Mrs Yvonne Simmons judged the competition.

1st Prize: Mr Alan Diggins from Lincolnshire has won this year's competition.

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1st Prize
Photograph credit: Alan Diggins

2nd Prize: Abby Brayfield from Berkshire.

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2nd Prize
Photo credit: Abby Brayfield

Congratulations to Mr Diggins and Ms Brayfield and thank you to everyone who kindly sent in their photographs for the competition.

Grateful thanks to Mr Brian Winn for sponsoring the competition.

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