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Raffle Winners

Thank you to everyone who purchased tickets in the Shire Horse Society's raffle. The raffle was drawn at the AGM ...

 Shire Horse Society   07 May 2021

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Thank you to everyone who purchased tickets in the Shire Horse Society's raffle. The raffle was drawn at the AGM today (Friday 7th May) and the lucky winners are as follows.

1st Prize of £250: Louise Etches

2nd Prize of £100: Joel Davidson

3rd Prize of £50: Mr and Mrs S Overthrow

4th Prize of £50: Mrs C Grover

5th Prize of £50: S Carrick

Congratulations to you all and we will be in touch soon to arrange to send your winnings to you!

Thank you again to our generous sponsors Whistlefish, Mr and Mrs J Burks, Matthew Burks Horse Transport, Heavy Horse Herald, Mrs Y Simmons (Mordearg Shires), Mr Danny Roberts and The Heavy Horse Enthusiast.

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