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Equestrian Bring and Buy

One of this year’s National Shire Horse Show show fund raisers was to have an equestrian bring and buy stall ...

 Shire Horse Society   04 March 2022

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One of this year’s National Shire Horse Show show fund raisers was to have an equestrian bring and buy stall for any of your unwanted horsey items that are too good to throw away but you can’t be bothered to sell on and would be happy to donate to the Society to sell to raise funds.

With the tragic events unfolding in Ukraine it has been decided that the Society will still run the stall but will split any proceeds between the Ukraine Humanitarian effort and the Shire Horse Society.

So please have a look through your tack rooms and wardrobes for any clean, unwanted quality useable horsey items that you are happy to donate for the Shire Horse Society to sell.

It would be very helpful if you could put donated items in clear plastic bags with a label/ note saying what they are, their size, measurements etc and the value you think they are worth, to make it easy for the Society Volunteers to administer who will be manning the stall.

We already have some Ryedale clothing, a heavy horse saddle etc. Looking for clothing, riding boots, harness, tack etc. No dirty rugs or broken items please though.

If everyone bought one item along that would be amazing we can all then hunt for a bargain whilst supporting two good causes. Thank you in anticipation of your support.

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