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Support for Stallions and Colts in 2021

Following discussions by the Stallion Premium Panel and the Editing Committee, it is announced with regret that the Stallion Premium ...

 Shire Horse Society   05 May 2021

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Following discussions by the Stallion Premium Panel and the Editing Committee, it is announced with regret that the Stallion Premium Scheme is temporarily suspended this year. As a result of the cancellation of the 2021 National Show before entries had closed, it was agreed that trying to award Stallion Premiums and Colt Grants as usual would not be possible.

However, we are pleased to announce that a different scheme known as 'Stallion Support Payments' will apply in 2021. The scheme is open to all colts and stallions who have a service book this year. To qualify for a payment, the service book must be returned to the office by 31st October 2021 and the colt or stallion must have covered the requisite number of mares for his age group. All of the white certificates from the 2021 service book must be returned, whether they have been used or not.

The details of the scheme, including the requisite number of mares to have been covered and the amount of the payments, will be worked out after 31st October when service books have been returned and we know the level of the HBLB grant for 2021 (information currently awaited). Owners of qualifying colts and stallions will then be notified of the payment(s) they are due to receive.

The Stallion Premium Panel and Editing Committee believe this is the fairest way for the Society to support colts and stallions in 2021 in the absence of the Stallion Premium Scheme.

Photo credit: Kev Wright Photography

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