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We are delighted to have news of a very special Shire foal born, thanks to the scientific advances made by ...

 The Shire Horse Society   12 June 2024

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We are delighted to have news of a very special Shire foal born, thanks to the scientific advances made by Twemlows Hall Stud Farm.
The dam of the foal died and her ovaries were to shipped to Twemlows Hall Stud Farm AI & ET Centre for genetic salvage. Their team performed ICSI (IVF) procedures and transferred the resulting embryo, into a Twemlows recipient mare, to produce this fantastic foal which will help to preserve the bloodline for generations.

Congratulations to all the team at Twemlows, we are thrilled for the foal’s owner Jason Holder Shire Horses and excited to see what the future holds for Shire horse breeding and genetic salvage and preservsation.
See link below for more information

Photograph courtesy of Twemlows Hall Stud Farm

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