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Shire Horse Showing Preparation Training Day

Shire Horse Showing Preparation Training DayHill Farm Equestrian, Burtle, Somerset, TA7 8NBSunday 11th February 2024, 10.30am – 3.30pmA fun and ...

 The Shire Horse Society   16 January 2024

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Shire Horse Showing Preparation Training Day
Hill Farm Equestrian, Burtle, Somerset, TA7 8NB
Sunday 11th February 2024, 10.30am – 3.30pm
A fun and informative day, prior to the National Shire Horse show, covering
- Show pre-preparation
- Washing Out
- Mane & Tail Plaiting
- Ring Craft
- Handler Etiquette & Dress
- What the judges look for
Suitable for all levels of experience.
No horse? No problem. Horses will be available to borrow on the day.
£20 for Shire Horse Society Members, £30 for Non Members
Refreshments Included
Call the Office on 01536 771611 to book in.

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