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Mr Randolph Hiscock

Recently we reported the very sad news of the passing of Mr Hiscock and his funeral is now confirmed as ...

 Shire Horse Society   21 March 2023

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Recently we reported the very sad news of the passing of Mr Hiscock and his funeral is now confirmed as follows.

Funeral service will take place at St John's Church, Charlton on Friday 31st March at 12 noon. Due to the church capacity the service will be relayed in The New Remembrance Hall, Charlton, SP7 0PL.

In lieu of flowers, spring bulbs and plants would be most welcome. Donations if desired to the British Heart Foundation may be made online at or sent to Merefield and Henstridge F/D, Ridgemount, Pitts Lane, West Melbury, Shaftesbury, Dorset. SP7 0BU.

The Society sends its condolences to Mr Hiscock's family and friends at this sad time.

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