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Rural Oscars!

Please vote for Dyfed Shire Horse Farm in the Rural Oscars! One of the Society's Approved Centres this the ...

 Shire Horse Society   11 January 2023

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Please vote for Dyfed Shire Horse Farm in the Rural Oscars! One of the Society's Approved Centres this the first time, they have been nominated for the 16th annual Countryside Alliance Awards - known as the 'Rural Oscars'!

Voting is now OPEN to choose the winners and this year, the Countryside Alliance Awards Welsh winners are being chosen by public vote and a Welsh judging panel – both will influence the overall vote.

Voting will close on Thursday the 19th of January at midnight. The winners will be announced at the Welsh Parliament reception on Tuesday the 24th of January.Dyfed Shires family farm has been nominated in the 'Rural Enterprise' category and our friends and followers can support us by voting for them here:

The winners of the Welsh final will go on to represent Wales at the House of Lords in the national champions’ reception in May against finalists from across the UK.

So please do click on the link above and support them in these prestigious rural awards and then don't forget to tell your family and friends to do the same!

Thank you.

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