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Feet and shoeing

Well balanced feet and correct shoeing are important to the health and welfare of horses.

For this reason, the Shire Horse Society sets out minimum acceptable standards for the shoeing of Shire horses. The standard applies to all Shires, whether they are shown, bred, worked, driven or ridden. It covers correct trimming and foot balance, and correct shoeing practice, with photos for illustration.

Under the Society’s Foot Scheme, exhibits’ feet are inspected in Shire classes at the Society’s National Show, Affiliated Shows holding qualifying classes for the Society’s annual Championship, and the Championship itself held at the Horse of the Year Show. Inspections are carried out by farriers on the Society’s Foot Inspection Panel before the horses enter the ring, and horses that are found to be below the Shoeing Standard are immediately disqualified.

More  Information

The Shoeing Standard and the Foot Scheme can be downloaded below.

Shire Horse Shoeing Standard

SHS Foot Scheme 2024

For further information about farriers and farriery, visit Farriers Registration Council and the Worshipful Company of Farriers





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