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Shire Horse of the Year Results

What a tremendous day it has been at the Horse of the Year Show. With two spectacular finals featuring our ...

 Shire Horse Society   10 October 2021

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What a tremendous day it has been at the Horse of the Year Show. With two spectacular finals featuring our magnificent Shire horse breed, the results are now in for the Shire Horse of the Year.

Judge, Mr Richard Green officiated and awarded first prize to Mr L M Fountain's Woodhouse Phenomenon.

Final Results

1st Mr L M Fountain's Woodhouse Phenomenon

2nd J and J Stephenson and Mr M Martin's White Croft Mayflower Celebration

3rd Mr C Paulsson's Herkules Catching Fire

4th F W O Richardson and Son's Bewholme Moonlight Serenade

5th Mr P E Moss's Hillmoor Lady Luck

6th Miss S M Cosgrove's Hainton Chrystal

7th Mr B Banham's Acle Celebration

8th Mr B Banham's Acle Carousel

9th Mr L M Fountain's Woodhouse Boom

10th Mr J Holder's Cumeragh House Judy

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