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Hillmoor Trump Card wins at Newport Show....

 The Shire Horse Society   20 August 2024

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We are very lucky that Rosemary Hart, who has been involved in writing and journalism about Shire horses for years, has offered to submit short reports from the shows she has visited.
Starting with Newport Show, Shropshire. 13th July 2024.
"Philip Moss couldn’t have had a better day at Newport Show. Hillmoor Trump Card was his only entry in the show, but under judge Chris Malkin, “Donald” won the Championship and a ticket to the Horse of the Year Show. Shown by Philip Junior, Trump Card is a nine-year old black stallion by the beautiful but sadly short-lived Martonian Norman, out of Hillmoor Duchess, a daughter of Walton Supreme.
Reserve Champion was the winner of the strongest class, for barren mares. Jason Holder’s Colloe Grove Love Island. A tall bay three-year-old, she’s by Acle Macbeth out of Norseman Amelia."
Photo of Colloe Grove Love Island taken at last year's Three Counties Show by Jason Holder Shire Horses

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