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Heavy Horse Nutrition Survey

Heavy horse nutrition survey, on behalf of Nottingham Trent University...

 The Shire Horse Society   25 June 2024

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Heavy Horse Nutrition Survey, On behalf of Nottingham Trent University
We have been asked to share the below survey on behalf of two students working towards a MSc in Equine Performance Health and Welfare, specifically on Heavy Horse Nutrition, Management and Health. This information will form the basis for their masters research project.
If you can spare the time over a cuppa it would be great if as many of you as possible could fill it in, the more data and research that can be done on our favourite breed the better.
This survey should take no longer than 20-25 minutes to complete. All participants must be 18 or over, own or care for a heavy horse. Responses are anonymous as no personal information will be collected and you can choose to stop and withdraw from the study at any time (by closing the browser).
If you have any concerns about the questions or content, you should contact the project supervisor Dr Sarah Upton,
📷 Courtesy of David Probert

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