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Show season is well underway and we are out and about supporting our members and meeting the public at as ...

 The Shire Horse Society   11 June 2024

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Show season is well underway and we are out and about supporting our members and meeting the public at as many shows as possible.
May saw us at Blists Hill Victorian village for their heavy horse weekend then on to Essex Young Farmers show day with the unit and a demo team (not forgetting the cycle ride in between). We then moved on to Shropshire County Agricultural Show, finishing the month at Staffordshire County Show.
June started with Rutland Show on the 2nd and our next two stops are Royal Three Counties, Malvern (14th to 16th June), where we will have our Shire horse village with a full programme of demonstrations and opportunities to learn more about the majestic Shire. Why not visit us and have a try on one of our plaiting heads? From Royal Three Counties we head to Royal Cheshire Show (18th-19th June) where we will be situated in Block D5 next to the Shire horse ring.
Please pop by the stand if you are visiting, we love to hear what our members are up to.

Photograph courtesy of Sid Diggins.

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