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The Horse of the Year Show have today released the qualifying shows for their event which runs between 6th-10th October 2021.  ...

 Shire Horse Society   24 March 2021

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The Horse of the Year Show have today released the qualifying shows for their event which runs between 6th-10th October 2021.  The eagle eyed amongst you will note that the National Shire Horse Show is listed for all THREE of the qualifiers it usually hosts, those being a stallion qualifier, a mare qualifier and a ridden qualifier. 

The Society will not be rescheduling the National Show in its full form, but it is aiming to run the qualifiers at one or two special events during the summer. The planning of these are still under way with outside organisations and we will release details as soon as possible. Please bear with us, this is a very fluid situation and we, like all other shows are working within COVID regulations and the Showing Council Blueprint.

Victoria Clayton said ‘it is imperative for our breed that we maintain the qualifiers that we would usually host at the National Show and ensure that the relevant championships at HOYS have the full capacities qualified.’ She added, ‘there are a couple of very exciting possibilities for the hosting of the qualifiers, which could bring a much needed boost to the publicity of the breed following two cancelled National Shows due to the pandemic in 2020 and 2021.'

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