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Young Handler Accumulator Competition

When the pandemic hit us all hard in 2020, all shows were unfortunately cancelled but we are pleased to see ...

 Shire Horse Society   24 March 2021

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When the pandemic hit us all hard in 2020, all shows were unfortunately cancelled but we are pleased to see a trickle of summer shows affiliating to the Society for 2021.

These are small and positive steps and in turn the Society will be supporting these shows by running the 'SHS Young Handler’s Accumulator Award' at those holding young handler classes.

The last winner in 2019 was Alice Ford who was flying high when she beat Nathan Turner and Edward Leverett into 2nd and 3rd places.

Alice Ford winner of the 2019 Young Handler Accumulator Competition.
Photograph courtesy of Carol Stevens Photography

Points relative to placings will be awarded to those young handlers who are 2021 members of the Shire Horse Society.

Points will be awarded to the top five, with points awarded as follows:- 1st-5 points, 2nd-4 points, 3rd- 3 points, 4th-2 points, and 5th-1 point.

The Champion Young Handler with the most points at the end of the year will win the trophy.

All affiliated shows must submit the results of the Young Handler classes when they return their Silver Spoon award forms.

Those taking part in the above should be Junior members of the Society and are able to join mid-season if they are not already members.

Points will only count once membership is taken up and points will not be back dated. Junior memberships are £12 per annum and are open to those that have not attained their 18th birthday.

You can renew or join the Shire Horse Society here.

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