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2024 Show Raffle

Please support the 2024 National Shire Horse Show by purchasing a ticket in our cash prize raffle.At just £2.00 each, ...

 Shire Horse Society   24 January 2024

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Please support the 2024 National Shire Horse Show by purchasing a ticket in our cash prize raffle.

At just £2.00 each, the more tickets you buy, the better chance you have of winning!

A first prize of £250 is on offer with additional prizes of 2nd: £100; 3rd, 4th and 5th prizes of £50 each

The draw will take place at the National Shire Horse Show on Sunday 10th March 2024 in the Dodson & Horrell Ltd Arena, Bingley Hall, Staffordshire County Showground, Stafford, ST18 0BD,

All Shire Horse Society members will be receiving tickets to sell but if you cannot wait, then please click here to purchase these immediately. Ticket numbers will be recorded in the office and added to the draw. Alternatively tickets will be available to purchase on the Society's stand at the show.

Grateful thanks are recorded to Matthew Burks (Auchengree) for organising the raffle and paying for the licence fee.

Thank you to the following sponsors.

Licencing Fee - Matthew Burks (Auchengree)

Wales and West Horseboxes

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