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Breeders' Seminars

From November 2022 to February 2023, the Shire Horse Society is holding regional seminars for Shire horse breeders. The seminars are ...

 Shire Horse Society   04 November 2022

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From November 2022 to February 2023, the Shire Horse Society is holding regional seminars for Shire horse breeders.

The seminars are for established breeders and anyone who is newer to Shire breeding or interested in it. See below for dates, times and locations for all the seminars. There are opportunities to attend in person or by Zoom. The seminars are free of charge.

The seminars will describe changes the Society is making to its breeding programme from now on. The changes include the introduction of SPARKS, a breed analysis system that helps breeders select optimum pairing of mares and stallions from a kinship and genetic point of view.

The seminars will explain what SPARKS is, why the Society is adopting it, how to use it, and the support the Society will provide to breeders to use it – both information and financial support.

Education will also feature. At the seminars, the Society would like to hear from breeders whether they would be interested in education and further learning about breeding of Shires, and, if so, what topics would be of interest.

This will help development of a new education programme on Shire breeding for Society members.

Established breeders have had a letter from the Society inviting them to the seminars, with a reply form to book a place on a seminar.

If you are newer to breeding or interested in it, you will not have had the letter but are very welcome to attend. Please book a place as soon as possible at the seminar of your choice.

To book, email your name, email address, phone number and which seminar you plan to attend to the Society office or phone 01536 771611.

Please download the following document for more information on venues, dates and times.


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