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Mr Alistair King

We are deeply saddened to announce the peaceful passing of Alistair King following a short illness. Alistair was a passionate ...

 Shire Horse Society   22 March 2022

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We are deeply saddened to announce the peaceful passing of Alistair King following a short illness. Alistair was a passionate Shire horseman all of his life, and opening Cotebrook Shire Horse Centre was his way of sharing that passion and love for horses with as many people as possible.

Alistair was a former Council member and member of the Management Board who oversaw the move of the Society to Rockingham. Alistair was larger than life and made a huge impression on anyone he met. The World will be a quieter and lesser place without him.

The funeral will take place Thursday 31st at St John and the Holy Cross in Cotebrook. Cotebrook Shire Horse Centre will be closed to the public on this day. Our thoughts are with the King Family at this time.

Rest in Peace Alistair.

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